While wating for a Phantom game to fill up, another player suggested to me that it might be neat if a nuke triggered an automatic ping at the target location. As this can be a point of contention in Phantom games where some players do not break before nuking, I decided I'd look into it. Turns out that adding a custom ping it's not really all that easy (the ping is a 3d model, that required learning some Blender to even edit), but after some messing around, I did get it working.
I'm thinking this could be pretty handy in any team game though too, since some people don't always ping where they are nuking. As with any pings, they're are only sent to allies, so enemies still won't immediately know where a nuke is going.
So, my questions to the general community are:
- Is this something that's worth adding to the FAF baseline, or should I keep this in Phantom X only?
- In either case, should this be a configurable option or something that's always on?
Thoughts anyone?