Hello FAFers,
I have three proposals:
1) FAF offline mode. It still lets launch FAF at the version that the computer currently had and lets the person play games solely against AIs, as well as view local replays. The purpose of this is so that a player, even when offline, could still explore the game by sandboxing it, practicing maneuvers, reviewing old games or learning how to play Nomads (featured mods would also be available at the version that the computer has).
2) More lobby options - when you host a game, you have the option of selecting upper and lower bounds for players joining. When you change the options, it updates the game name live. The host no longer controls the game name, he just chooses some things and the name is written for him. It would look like this:
- No bounds --> "All Welcome"
- 1000 lower, 1600 upper --> "1000-1600"
- Nomads, 1500 upper --> "Nomads, max 1500"
- Phantom, no bounds --> "Phantom, all welcome"
And so on. Photo with an example is attached.
{EDIT (by Lich King)}: everyone whose rounded rating is not within the bounds is autokicked.
3) Tutorials - Vanilla supcom had a tutorials tab in the main menu, which contained videos of each unit's capabilities. Maybe make something like that for FAF? It would be easier to make a video once than have people explain every little detail to every newcomer, especially since not everyone can explain well. Vanilla SupCom had guides to economy, various techs, units, etc.