by Legion Darrath » 22 Jun 2016, 11:15
We have ranks already which is why it says "Evaluator" under your name or Supreme Commander under speed's. People can already see if somebody is a mod or a TD for example based on the colour of their name. At least if they bother to look at the list of coloured usergroups on the index page. I suppose some effort could be made in giving certain groups a different "rank". The only thing the linked mod seems useful for is the images they added but besides the mod ones they don't really achieve what you want to achieve since there's nothing for devs or TD's for example. If you're fine with the ranks not having fancy images we can literally do this already as far as I know.
The flags, meh, they don't really add anything that you can't already achieve by just filling in the location section on your profile.
Top poster of the month is even more meh. I honestly don't see the point in having it.
That said I've asked for a few mods in the past but so far nobody has had the time to actually implement them.
We actually have ranks with fancy icons for "Contributor" and "Donator". Funnily enough the Evaluator rank is awarded both for having 500 posts and 750 posts. The post ranks are a bit weird since it goes from Crusader to Avatar of War to Priest to Evaluator to Evaluator to Supreme Commander. Seems to me that they're all Aeon related but the Avatar of War should be after Supreme Commander (or at least right before it).