Hello Softles,
Since you asked for suggestions for FAF in #aelous, I would like to request a fix of the control group related stuff. THQ apparently didn't bother to properly implement control groups since they thought nobody would use them anyways when there is strategic zoom around. This is bullshit since despite strategic zoom, functional control groups would still be welcome. A control group consists of units that were grouped via CTRL+1/CTRL+2/CTRL+3... and can be selected via 1/2/3... There are two problems with control groups right now:
(1) When you double-tap a number to quick-select and center a control group on the strategic view, the camera zoom level is affected. This is extremely annoying because the new zoom after the selection is way too close to properly give orders. The necessity to zoom out first defeats the purpose of QUICK-selection. This is why I propose a change that lets the zoom level of the camera stay constant. Hitting a number key twice still centers the units on the screen, but only if the zoom level can stay unaffected. If the player is too zoomed out so that centering the units would conflict with the world border, the units are not centered on the screen.
Purpose: Other RTS and RTT games use control groups to increase players' APM. Thereby, the double-tap camera shift is an important feature. However, the double-tap mechanic clashes with strategic zoom in FA. The only way to make control group commands work properly in FA is changing their implementation so that the strategic zoom is not negatively affected.
(2) Assigning a control group to one or multiple factories automatically assigns the same control group to every unit that is newly produced by the factory(s). Units should not "inherit" the control group of their mother factory. Instead, the control group should select the factory(s) only.
Purpose: Quickly reacting to changes on the battlefield that require new unit compositions and re-routing the factory's rally point is possible with factory control groups in other games. FA would benefit from this option, too.
Please give it a thought!
@all: please post your suggestions for Softles in here