Legion, i dont fully understand what is problem with it. Moderators dont need do nothing more as add clan leader ability to create clan subforum and manage it. Clan leader will send rights clanmates to be parth of it or manage it. Same as there exist secrete balance team subforum or balance testers subforum. How hard it was to crete it? 5minute? I will bet that less.
It dont must be from start to every clan, most of clast will never ever use it and will never ever ask for this posibilities.
Legion Darrath wrote:there's a bunch of dead forums nobody posts in
this is non valid argument because this sub-forum will be invisible for everyone else so dont bother none when have shitons of subfurm that none use - noone see them. Also there is a lot of code on webpage, but we dont see him. Why should moderator bother themself to see this clan subforum? To clean racistic and agresive maners that clanmates use in internal discusion? Is also some moderator on teamspeak or skype talk to be total political corect and secur good maners? No isnt. Dont need be also there. This will be clanleader (and other pearson who he will give the rights) work to clean and manage own subforum.