Not so long ago i tried to attract some of my friends to FAF using the smurf account. I found out that our small community is not nice and sometimes even abusive to new players. A week ago i created another one to fix my 2d nickname after me and confirm what i saw. Currently if there is a choice between new and known players, new player will be kicked from game every time even if he was first and waited for rather long time.
Because 1)he is unknown player with unexplored skill level 2)he counts in balance close to 1500 rated or so. It means even if he's allowed to play, the game will be stacked against him and end with loss. Even when i took controls from my friends, it ended with loss a couple times. Losing 2/3 of first games is terrible experience we give to new commers.
In game if anything somehow connected with new player goes wrong, everybody blame him. For example today i was in game when 1400 player lost connection to new 400 player and ejected him straight. Guess who was asked and than shouted to leave game? Host of that game added me to his ban list just because i protected new guy.
Spoiler: show
Another problem new-s face is rating. They get kicked from games for having too little games and unstable rating. How the f*ck they are supposed to play games and gain rating if they are not allowed into games? Some could say "you join an all welcome game or host a game yourself". I'll tell you the secret - sometimes they get kicked even from all welcome games. Even if they somehow find out how to host a game WITH attractive map AND ranked settings, they will only find out how hard to get a game going in FAF. Some say to play ladder and poke everybody into their ladder rating... this does not work in FAF no matter how fancy it looks.
First is to make a proper tutorial for new players. I'm not speaking about some YouTube video, but about FAF programm showing itself what features it has and how they work. Main of them are:
1)How to join and host games, which ones are ranked, difference between ladder and global rating, what are featured mods and Co-op;
2)#Aeolus, its rules, how to send private messages, who are moderators/personal trainers and how they can help you;
3)Top left corner: mumble, database, wiki, forums, tech support, ect;
4) Replay, map and mod vaults;
Currently tutorial tab is useless because it's outdated, Live streams is obselite by QAI and Leaderboards is not really usefull tab.
Second is to change their rating. Right now they are counted close to 1500 rated. Change it to 700-900. If i'm not mistaken it was suggested by Vee when ZePiLoT experimented with rating system.
Make ladder affect their global rating. When i only joined FAF i got ~900 points from first 3 ladder games and nobody told i could be smurf because it was normal to face low rated player or another new player and win all games.