I have this key bind that everytime adds one idle engi to my selection. This is a shortcut that can be bound in the key bindings menu. Every time I add an engi a small selection sound played. I use this sound to know if there is an engi added to my selection. If I press three times and hear two times the sound, I know I am out of idle engies.
Okey long story short: when using this plugin there is no sound for selecting more engies after the first one.
Way to reproduce:
The issue also appears when creating a new selection of engies. So it is pretty easy to reproduce:
- Turn the mod off by starting the game (not by using the turn off switch in the ui party menu).
- Make two engies
- Drag select the first engi, sound played
- Make a new drag select on the second engi (without deselecting first), sound played
- Do the same with the mod on, and by making the second selection the sound is gone
Is this possible to fix? It affects my workflow quite a lot.