Help with a mod

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Help with a mod

Postby RavenCurow » 14 Nov 2014, 22:27

So I've been working on a personal mod project that I play with a friend of mine. Its a civilian buildings mod that allows you to build the civilian buildings. However, I wanted them to be more than just aesthetic so I started making them do things. So far things have been good, but I've run into a bug that I can't seem to alleviate. Its more an annoyance than a problem, but completion demands a fix. I'm hoping someone here can help me. The bug is this. I made some of the civilian buildings into a radar, a stealth field generator, and a cloak generator respectively. These buildings work fine except for one bug. When built they will not work properly until toggled off and then on. I have no idea what could cause this or where to start looking in the bp or script files for a solution. Any suggestions as to what would cause this are appreciated.
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Re: Help with a mod

Postby Domino » 24 Nov 2014, 21:08

hey, in the bp, make sure the toggle is set accordingly, then use this in script in onstopbeingbuilt function

self:DisableUnitIntel('CloakField') or self:EnableUnitIntel('CloakField') which ever you want to happen you will also have to change the text to the intel type you want to change/apply to.
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