UEF Alpha download link 1.1 : http://www.moddb.com/downloads/orbital- ... f-alpha-11
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Follow the mod also here : http://www.moddb.com/mods/orbital-wars
Hello there,
I decided to rework on my first mod, Orbital Wars, with this mod I add a new layer to the game.
Currently we have : Sub Sea Land Air
With this mod you will have : Sub Sea Land Air Orbital
What I plan for the first new Orbital Wars release
- New spaceships factory ( t1 t2 t3)
- New Orbital figthers (t1 t2 t3)
- New specialized spaceship (anti spacships/anti fighter/support) (2 for each tech level)
- New spacehips factory who can drop land unit from the orbital layer (t1 t2 t3)
- New anti spaceships defense (t1 t2 t3)
What I plan for the future of Orbital Wars :
- Satelite factory (t1 t2 t3)
- Satelite (radars/attack/defense)
- Specialized orbitals fighters (anti fighters/anti spaceships)
- News little spaceships (corvets or other)
I hope you will like what I will do

See you soon
Screenshots :
Cybran T3 spaceships

UEF T3 spaceships

UEF T1 spaceships

UEF T1 Orbital Mobil Factory with pod drop

Video drop : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eWFiMf ... 6xXRM-GUXA
UEF T1 Orbital Figther

Cybran T1 spaceships

Cybran T1 Orbital Fighter

Cybran T1 Orbital Mobil Factory with pod drop

Aeon T1 Orbital Fighter

Aeon T1 Orbital Mobil Factory with pod drop

Seraphims T1 Orbital Mobil Factory with pod drop

UEF T2 Orbital Fighter

UEF T2 Spaceship

UEF T1 anti-spaceship Defense

UEF T3 anti-spaceship Defense

UEF T2 anti-spaceship Defense