The TA Legacy Tactical Unit Physics mod changes units to move more realistically. This is to make the difference between attacking with bots and attacking with hover units a bit more important. Examples:
Bots are more agile than tanks, and also reach their top speeds faster.
Tanks and wheeled vehicles have higher top speeds than equivalent bot units, but are less agile. They can also drift Fast and Furious style.
Hover units are faster than equivalent tank, wheeled, or bot units, however they take a little longer to break from their top speed and are slightly less agile.
Larger ships take longer to reach their top speed than small ones.
Aircraft will dive on targets at a lower altitude than them:
-Bombers dive bomb their targets removed in V3, caused carpet bombers to miss too often, will fix eventually.
-Fighters dogfight more realistically (they won't do yoyos or fancy stuff, but at least they dive now) and will dive on and strafe parked planes
-Gunships don't dive,but will reduce their altitude slightly when engaging targets removed in V3.
-New in V3: They now also bank more to maneuver like helicopters
-Czar and Novax don't dive, for obvious reasons (LOL)
--AS SEEN IN VANILLA! Aircraft have box shaped hitboxes instead of sphere ones. Certain aircraft benefit more from this than others (airscouts, being the smallest aircraft, are now the hardest T1 aircraft to hit). Now the only shots that hit air units are the ones that actually look like they hit them!
P.S. Feel free ( :D) to copy the code that does this to aircraft hitboxes for use in the Vanilla mod, because it is kinda lame to play that mod with aircraft that aren't shaped like Vanilla aircraft :) .
Heavy turrets turn more slowly than light ones.
Turrets turn faster if they were designed to counter faster targets:
-Antimissile turrets have the fastest tracking
-AA turrets have next fastest tracking
-Direct fire, followed by artillery turrets
-Torpedo turrets turn the most slowly
-New in V3: Directfire naval weapons will cause the ship firing them to rock in the water if the weapon has recoil.
Available in the vault!
If you have any ideas and suggestions, please post!