FAF personal mod?

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FAF personal mod?

Postby Ambervikings91 » 09 Aug 2014, 00:02

So I have changed a few things when i play offline in my game, for example and changed the range of the Mavor so it can't shoot as long, but when I play on FAF, even if its in a private game everything is back to default, is there a way for me to host a game with the changes I made on FAF?
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Re: FAF personal mod?

Postby Gorton » 09 Aug 2014, 00:47

If you made it as a mod, then you can run it as a mod in faf the same way.
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Re: FAF personal mod?

Postby Ambervikings91 » 09 Aug 2014, 00:48

Well, I guess I didn't make it as a mod, I went into the specific files of the units and changed their range.
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Re: FAF personal mod?

Postby Resin_Smoker » 09 Aug 2014, 01:18

Ambervikings91 wrote:Well, I guess I didn't make it as a mod, I went into the specific files of the units and changed their range.

Here is whats awesome about what you've done...

The first time someone builds the Mavor everyone in game will experience the arrogance of you modifying your core files.
You'll no longer be able to play FAF without desynchronizing yourself and the other players!

I strongly suggest that after giving yourself 50 lashes, that you re-install FAF.

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Re: FAF personal mod?

Postby rootbeer23 » 09 Aug 2014, 01:50

what he is trying to say is that everyone you play with needs to have the same
modification to the simulation.
thats easy to do: write a mod and use the mod vault. this way one can play with different
unit statistics for a certain games where the mod is enabled. i.e. all is taken care of
so that it works smoothly.
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Re: FAF personal mod?

Postby Ambervikings91 » 09 Aug 2014, 17:20

Well as I said it isn't really a mod, I have never made a mod, I jsut changed some settings, but I am not planning on using it with other people I was going to try it single player on 12 person maps on FAF, it works when I do skirmish but if I do single player on FAF it does not work.
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Re: FAF personal mod?

Postby SlinkingAnt » 15 Aug 2014, 10:28

I guess you've modified the original game's LUA-files?

If you start a FaF-game, a separate LUA is loaded, so you need to modify the settings in this file. But if you modify it, everytime you start a new online game they won't match with the other players and cause a desync (or it automatically downloads an unmodified version).

The easiest way if you only want to use it offline (against AI's) is:
- copy init_faf.lua to init-faf-custom.lua in 'c:\programdata\faforever\bin\'
- edit the copy with your desired changes
- start FA with a modified shortcut: 'C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe /init init_faf-custom.lua'

Should work :)
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