Quick Changes:
- Code: Select all
Lobo has slightly bigger AOE and the camera lasts a lot longer
Medusa stun time reduced
Mongoose Gatling MuzzleVelocity increased a tiny bit
Aurora is a tiny bit faster and a tiny bit less accurate while moving
Corsair MuzzleVelocity reduced
Bugs/Gameplay changes/Mistake fixes
Cybran SCU damage exploit fixed
Support Factory costs and storage fixed
SCU on underwater patrol no longer try fruitlessly to shoot ships on the surface, so they reclaim
Continental Shield now protects units inside properly
Selecting multiple SCUs with Shields and building things no longer results in the build not working
Satellite now dies in the process of blocking a nuke. No wreck is dropped
Units can no longer deal splash damage to their own shields
SAMS - Friendly Fire off
Cybran Strategic Sub stealth energy drain now works properly
Cybran Air Factory rolloff time now the same as UEF's
New ingame Unit Descriptions
OK so I think it is about time I opened this thing up. Many people will have seen me in aeolus, and if you have you have probably seen me asking every question under the sun about what people think of certain balance topics. That's because I'm always striving for better, and because I can never really sit still. The purpose of this thread, and the Mod in the Vault by the same name is twofold:
First and foremost, it is to be a place where I can pool together lots of little changes which I think need testing to see if they improve the balance of the game. The game is now so finely tuned that we are at the point where changes are getting smaller and smaller. Some of these changes and ideas will be my own, but because I recognise that I am not great at this game, I pester top players for their much more valuable opinions whenever I can. It probably annoys them a lot, but hey, if that's what it takes to make a perfect game, so be it. Where an idea is purely mine, I will say. If it doesn't say that, it means that I have been pointed to that change by one or more people better than myself. Your arguments against such changes will have to be good! The hope is that I can use this to balance and refine small changes ready for the next balance patch, effectively extending the balance period for those who are bothered about such things.
Serious Tweak Pack
CameraLifetime = 20 (From 5)
CameraVisionRadisu = 6 (From 5)
DamageRadius = 1.2 (From 1)
I've had a few people claim that despite the recent buff, the Lobo is still "Useless". I disagree with them, but in light of my noobiness I asked what should be done. No input... So I went back to basics. Seraphim's Artillery has the unique feature of hovering, which is the basis of much of its power. The Medusa has come under heavy fire for its EMP stun recently. The Fervor does lots of Damage and fires fast, a favourable firing cycle. Lobo's unique feature, the camera, leaves a lot to be desired, so I thought "If something needs to be improved, why not make it that?" and this was born. I added the slight DamageRadius increase to allow it to hit more units when they are moving in formation, in case the camera can never be enough. I considered the "205 HP" buff, but that was removed for a reason, and I think it would be far too great a leap in power.
T1 Stun Duration = 2.5 (From 3)
T2 Stun Duration = 1.5 (From 2)
Once again, despite a recent nerf, several people think that this unit is STILL too strong. Sticking with the unique abilities side of things (The Damage/Cost/HP/AOE, and similar stats, have a nice spread for T1 Artillery, best not to mess with them if possible) I have nerfed the Stun durations even further. Perhaps this will be enough? You tell me!
MuzzleVelocity = 30 (From 25)
Despite the recent buff, popular opinion is that this is still having trouble being useful. This change puts the Gatling gun closer to the physics of the mighty Ravager (MuzzleVelocity = 32). This should allow the Mongoose to actually connect with a little more of its rather woeful DPS.
Speed = 3 (From 2.9)
FiringRandomnessWhileMoving = 0.3 (From 0.1)
Post patch, people rightly realised the Aurora was suddenly underpowered, and PilOt made the decision to buff it to a halfway stage. Unfortunately, for some people this change was the wrong one. It seems to have led to the Aurora being OP on smaller maps, especially those with water, where the Range and Hover come to the foreground. However, move onto the larger maps and the huge Speed penalty begins to hit home hard, as well as the larger numbers in engagements making the micro less effective. These changes attempt to keep the power of the unit where it is now but get rid of this extreme map behaviour. The combat ability in all cases is decreased. The increased Speed makes no difference on a small map, not compensating for the worse combat, but on a larger map I hope it will give the Aurora a fighting chance again.
MuzzleVelocity = 30 (From 35)
This is to mitigate an issue unforseen from the last patch, whereby the shorter range has meant the Missiles are un-dodgable now. This is the same % reduction to MuzzleVelocity as was done to Range, so reaction time is now the same.
Bug Fixing and Gameplay Tweaks
Cybran SCU
Fixed glitch allowing you to accumulate infinite damage on the main weapon
Aeon T3 Support Air Factory
God knows why, but this unit was half the price of the others and had 1600 Energy Storage that shouldn't have been there. Prices corrected and storage removed.
Cybran T3 Support Naval Factory
Unit had longer buildtime than the others, again god knows why.
SCU Weapons
Main SCU cannon no longer attempts to fire when the SCU is on the seabed, preventing it from hopelessly aiming at boats instead of reclaiming while on patrol underwater.
Continental Shield
Units loaded onto the Continental are now invincible providing that the Shield is up and running, working around the messed up hitboxes.
Multi-Drain Fix
Half-Fixed units with multiple Energy drains (Such as UEF Shielded SCUs) being unable to initiate group build projects (Thanks Crotalus). This fix is WIP and may be ruled to be impossible. Unfortunately the bug is caused by the fix for a severe exploit, so it may be that we have to have either the exploit or this bug. Set to check for fraction>0.2, and we hope this doesn't re-enable the exploit.
The Explosion FX is a bit small for the DamageRadius, and always has been. So I made it a bit bigger. Why not hey?
Novax Satellite
Now takes damage from Nukes
Redid the method behind this fix. It now only takes damage from units with the 'NUKE' category. When it dies by this method, it leaves no wreckage so no damage is done to the thing underneath. Yep, this was designed to prevent this being used to block nukes indefinitely. I like the simulated engine, I like the fact that you can block a nuke with a Satellite, but the fact that 28000 Mass could do so infinitely was just stupid really. Now, in an emergency, you can still use this tactic to buy time to get real defences online, but it is not sustainable.
A pet peeve of mine, this one. Thanks to the splash damage, any time Fatboy goes anywhere near a hillock or cliff, it ends up blowing up its own shield with its cannons. The Damage from those cannons is so high that it takes mere seconds to deplete the Shield entirely, so it can easily happen before you notice. This is just plain stupid. Yes OK it no longer has the old element of risk to your own army about it, but in reality I have never seen friendly units harmed in any major fashion by a Fatboy; It is usually firing a long way from anything friendly. This also applies to the UEF SCU when it has Bubble Shield and AOE.
DamageFriendly = false
Changed to false the same as all the game's Flack-type units, to stop them killing the shields over your base when attacking Gunships.
Plan B
Now is built with the -200 Energy Drain activated so that you don't get free Stealth.
ZLO found this was bugging out a bit. It took so much effort and fruitless attempts and in the end three lines of code appears to have fixed it. Let me know...
Cybran Air Factory
A long-standing argument and discrepancy giving Cybran Air Factory a permanent disadvantage as first Factory. In this mod the Animation has been accelerated, and it now has identical Engineer production time to the UEF. Applies to the T1 Factory only. I'm not sure how controversial this will be; In the past an excuse has been that it nerfs early Jester, but Jester was nerfed a little last patch and I don't see this breaking anything. Some people say that even if it does, we should punish the Jester, not First Air strategies.
New Unit Descriptions
The Unit Descriptions ingame were getting out of date and in some cases utterly incorrect, so I have re-written almost every single one. I consider this non-final, and am looking for input regarding tips/tricks which would be good on a unit's description. Things like the fact that the Deceiver works in Transports, or that Selen can block Mass spots, that kind of thing.