- thing4.png (666.92 KiB) Viewed 3657 times
mex eplosion looks just silly because of red circle, and 90% of it isn't visible, its as if there is only a red circle and nothing else

- thing5.png (1.09 MiB) Viewed 3657 times
even more apparent with t2 radar, this shows everything that's wrong with cybran explosion imo:
1. silly red circle is so bright thats all i notice, and to add to it its off center, which i can see because the circle is so obvious
2. you can clearly see radar through the entire explosion, when explosion is supposed to cover the unit, so it cant be seen for a tiny bit, when it can be seen again, it is a wreck.
this gives a seamless transition which is key imo - this is true for all your explosions except maybe aeon - i can see right through them, and they are too big, and too transparent
3. look at the lighting - similar to last point, it take up a lot of space but is mostly transparent, the texture is good, but it should be smaller. in combination with a more opaque explosion, it will add a nice accent to the explosion while not making it look completely inconsistent (this is true for all your explosions except aeon again

- if you cant readd the 2d white circle, but hte point still stands, your explosions are too big and too see through :/
- the human eye can notice large flashes much more/better than anything else, so i can clearly see that huge lighting flash, and it gets in my way, this is even more extreme for t3 units btw
hope this helps