SweetFX for FA

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SweetFX for FA

Postby BlackFish » 24 Jan 2014, 03:00

I don't know if anyone started a SweetFX thread, but I noticed that it works flawlessly with FA if the settings are right.

Screenshots showing before/after Sadly the jpg compression of IMGUR doesnt give it justice much.

What it does
-Uses LumaSharpen to sharpen the textures (and a bit of the UI) to make the terrain more crisp.
-Uses SMAA.
-Uses the contrast curves feature.

http://filesmelt.com/dl/SweetFX-FA.zip - Download

How to install
-Go to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin in file explorer
-Run ForgedAlliance.exe and disable ingame AA. It will conflict with this.
-Extract the contents of the zip to C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin.
-Run forgedalliance.exe or run a game in faf and notice the difference!

-You can tweak the settings in Sweetfx_settings.txt. I'd stay away from the Bloom and HDR settings since FAF already improved the lighting shaders some time ago.
-Ren_shadowsize 4096 is featured here.
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Re: SweetFX for FA

Postby SC-Account » 24 Jan 2014, 07:55

Looks quite nice, sadly I can't test it here.
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