Unit ID number to Description list???

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Unit ID number to Description list???

Postby davidsirmons » 02 Dec 2013, 01:58

Is there a list somewhere that takes the useless number descriptions and transcripbes actual unit descriptions? I'm trying to create a new race, and it's impossible to hunt and peck through a hundred unit folders in hopes one of the .bp files is the one that contains a random snippet of code I need. I found a unit ID number > Description file a month ago, but can't recall where.
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Re: Unit ID number to Description list???

Postby errorblankfield » 02 Dec 2013, 02:47

Start server, turn on cheating, type Pop into console, first item on list.

It's something like popupunitcreatemenu. To lazy to check, but there's the list I use when I do theses things.
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