Modding for FAF?

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Modding for FAF?

Postby Swizzlewizzle » 17 Nov 2013, 07:31

Hello, interested in creating some mods to eventually integrate to FAF.. where should I start? Is the process the same as creating for normal Forged alliance or are there some differences?

Thanks for the help.

**Edit: Perhaps something to do with downloading the LUA source code, setting it up as a "mod" in the vanilla SC:FA directory and going like that? Would really appreciate a bit of help.
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Re: Modding for FAF?

Postby johnie102 » 28 Nov 2013, 21:01

Nope, it is the same as making a normal mod if you want to upload it too the modvault. There are less options to make it though: it can't be an .scd file and it has to be in the actual mod directory and not in gamedata.
If you want to make it a featured mod it will be more work (as far as I know), and you'll also have to talk to Zep as he needs to enable it as an featured mod (so not happening soon).
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Re: Modding for FAF?

Postby vxu » 31 Dec 2013, 15:11

i have also been looking around how to get started modding. on all pages i come across i get pointed to forum posts on gpg like but their sites are down. maybe someone has a copy of those gpg posts and can repost here in in FAF forums?

what i did find and currently digesting is e.g.
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