I hope this is the right place for this.
I am in the process of updating my mods, some of which have bugs that I am finally squashing (like a memlock crash error for LC on very large fights). Also there are a few new ones I will be putting out semi-soon. I am interested in which ones have the most interest from players.
Learning Commander - army level up mod that aims to promote smart, non-rushing, gameplay. Every unit applies army exp that levels up just about every aspect of a unit.
M.A.D. - a mod meant to just make the end of a game come quicker. All damage done increases a doomsday counter. The counter represents the percent increase to damage, range, aoe radius, and fire speed of all units on all sides.
Energy Redux - this one is still in the planning stages, but the idea is to move energy from being a building resource to a maintenance resource. You use it to pay for shields, radar, etc like normal, but it is also used for movement (maybe aircraft only), firing, and some other odds and ends. The idea being to take your generators from being an irritation when they are hit late game to a very good strategy, as well as limiting plane swarms and possibly swarms in general.
Ranged Defenses - flat 50% increase to all defenses' ranges.
FASTER - doubles build speed. Cost per second also doubles due to the build speed increase.
Slower - halves build speed with changes to costs so the cost per second is the same.
Area Commands - Allows for paint targetting (a really cool command from SC2) and reclaim. Also can do saturation targetting for artillery and bombs. What this means is rather than all bombers, artillery, and nukes aiming for the same spot, they are spread out in an area so you get large coverage.
Auto Engineers - allows any unit with engineering abilities to automatically reclaim if under 50% metal (and stop if metal is topped out), auto repair, auto assist, and auto capture if they are not doing anything else.
Various units:
Advanced PD - I consider this mostly overtaken by Black OPS units, but if there is interest, I will continue work on them. They have always been intended as anti-experimental, but with slightly different flavors. Super heavy beam weapon for Cybran (the oldest custom unit), super "Annihilator" laser for UEF (the oldest custom projectile), and deathorb for Aeon (the oldest new projectile type). I never did come up with a good idea for seraphim.
Bouncer Shield - I am going to start finalizing this one in a bit. It will be a T4 Cybran shield that bounces most projectiles off of it. Large area of coverage and enormous energy cost. However, guided projectiles (bomber bombs, TML missles, etc) can go right through it.
Healbot - Do some more work on this and make it more balanced/interesting. The version I have been messing with on my computer does a percentage heal, but for all of how useful that is, it does get kind of broken at times.
My various joke units... maybe.