Hello all. I just have a couple questions regarding Zulan's Hotbuild in light of the Engie Mod being the latest FAF standard mod. Firstly, there have been some changes to the build queues and upgrades. Chief of these, of course, are the HQ and subordinate factories, and the upgrades for these factory types. Since these changes have rendered the current build of the Zulan mod obsolete, are there any plans to incorporate these changes into a Zulan Hotbuild update?
Secondly, I've noticed that there are a couple buildings that haven't been given keybindings in the mod; namely, the Mass and Energy Storage buildings. Others too, II'm sure, but these are the only ones I've currently observed. Will these structures be given keybindings in future updates, or is there a way to add them in?
Thanks for taking the time to consider my inquiries. ^_^