Dowload it here
How to use it
- Download it
- Extract it somewhere
- Execute FAF-Chart.cmd
- File->Open Replay; Chose the replay and click on 'open'
- Download it
- Extract it somewhere
- Open a Terminal, type java -jar FAF-Chart.jar and hit enter
- File->Open Replay; Chose the replay and click on 'open'
A more in depth How-to by Myxir
(in no particular order)
- Aaron Elligsen : FA-Chart is his work
- The FAF-Team : open source FAF lobby helped a lot (qCompress adds some data that you have to remove before inflating it; the source was of great assistance here)
- Myxir: for the information on how to use it
- JZlib: used to inflate the FAF-Replays
- JFreeChart: used to draw the charts
How to convert a .fafreplay-file manually into a -SCFAReplay-file[Linux]
If you're on linux you can install pigz and then use the following command to convert the fafreplay into an scfareplay:
- Code: Select all
tail -n +2 replay.fafreplay | base64 -d | tail -c +5 | unpigz>replay.SCFAReplay
(This is not required in order to use FAF-Chart; It's just general Information in case someone ever needs to convert a replay.)
The Source is in the /src Folder in the Archive [java]
Batch scripting sucks
If that's your opinion, then I happen to agree! Batch is probably the second worst scripting Language ever. Only PL/SQL is worse.