Firing Tolerance, what is it for?

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Firing Tolerance, what is it for?

Postby Zsombi » 31 Jul 2020, 14:34

What is Firing Tolerance used for other than to determine how much earlier something can fire before they are facing the target? I mean mostly for launchers? Most have a really low value like 2 or 5 while some are 60.

The ACU' launchers have 2 & 5 , the t2 tml structure has 5 , the t3 smd has 60 , the t3 sml has 2 , the t4 Yolona has 2 , the UEF cruiser & T3 sub has 2 , the Sera. battleship has also 2 .. they are all over the place, most having 2, even though all are vertical launchers that have no real need to turn to aim.
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Re: Firing Tolerance, what is it for?

Postby Dragun101 » 31 Jul 2020, 14:58

Its basically “aim”. Basically it determines when a model can fire when its in relation to the target
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