The updated version of "Supreme Score Board" is not in the vault
Last week, "Common Mod Tools" wasn't in the vault
What is going on and who is fixing it?
Forged Alliance Forever Forums
Moderator: Morax
-- #########################################################
name = "Supreme Score Board"
-- #########################################################
version = 2
uid = "HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v0020"
author = "HUSSAR"
copyright = "HUSSAR, free to re-use code as long as you credit me in your mod"
contributors = "Anihilnine, Crotalus, Speed2, MaCielPL, Nojoke, Petricpwnz, Nexus_of_Reality, Col_Walter_Kurtz, PsychoBoB"
description = "Improves score board and replays by adding more columns, team stats, players sorting, filtering units by type and more. Now with support for new army colors. (HUSSAR)"
--icon = "mod_icon.png"
icon = "/mods/SupremeScoreBoard/mod_icon.png"
url = ""
selectable = true
enabled = true
ui_only = true
exclusive = false
requiresNames = { }
requires = { }
-- this mod will conflict with all mods that modify score.lua file:
conflicts = {
"9B5F858A-163C-4AF1-B846-A884572E61A5", -- INTERGRATED lazyshare
"b0059a8c-d9ab-4c30-adcc-31c16580b59d", -- INTERGRATED lazyshare
"c31fafc0-8199-11dd-ad8b-0866200c9a68", -- INTERGRATED coloured allies in score
"89BF1572-9EA8-11DC-1313-635F56D89591", --
"f8d8c95a-71e7-4978-921e-8765beb328e8", --
"HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v1100", -- old SSB
"HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v1200", -- old SSB
"HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v1230", -- old SSB
"HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v1300", -- old SSB
"HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v1400", -- old SSB
"HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v1500", -- old SSB
"HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-SUImod-v0900", -- old SUI v0.9
before = { }
after = {
"0faf3333-1122-633s-ya-VX0000001000", -- eco info - sharing among your team
"b2cde810-15d0-4bfa-af66-ec2d6ecd561b", -- eco manager v3
--[[ TODO
add ping info about players (lua/modules/ui/game/connectivity.lua)
show acu kills and mvp kill ratio
group players colors before selecting team color to avoid green team color if two green players are in two teams
add build power based on players engineers (requires fix in score data)
add images to notifications for built experimental units (requires fix in FAF score data)
add exp voice over from lua\ui\game\vo_computer.lua
add army compare (strength, DPS, mass value) between teams (in replay session)
add army overview with status of built TMLs. Nukes, HP for each major unit type (in game session)
add more notifications about built nukes/t3 arty/experimental (in replay session)
add stacked build menu (no tabs)
add supreme empire tree functionality with movable UI elements
--[[ v1.4 - HUSSAR - October, 2017
-- fixed an issue with selecting text color for armies due to changes in FAF army colors
-- fixed an issue finding map quadrant for an army with incorrect army key defined in [map name]_save.lua
--[[ v1.3 - HUSSAR - July, 2016
- added info about who killed a player in Army notification window
- added info about who decided to CTRL+K in Army notification window
- added coloring of player names in Army notification window
- added mod configuration under Game -> Options -> Interface tab
- added interaction states for buttons in the sort line (first line of the score board)
- changed mouse interaction in top row, now left click will show values in columns
- changed mouse interaction in top row, now right click will sort values in columns
- fixed compatibility with other mods that modify score.lua (e.g. EcoManager) and SSB takes precedence over these mods
- fixed numbering of teams based on players' starting locations and map quadrants (per Gyle request)
- fixed messages with sent resources/units to allies (observer will see message target)
- fixed tooltip that shows unit restrictions and separated presets from custom restrictions
- fixed detection for unranked games (if restrictions count greater than zero)
- increased number of notifications for built experimental units (2 -> 5)
- increased precision for rounding large numbers (1.2m -> 1.23m)
- improved description of tooltips
--[[ v1.2 - HUSSAR - January, 2016
- (all sessions) added replay ID below map info line
- (all sessions) added calculation of game quality/balance if this value is not present in session options
- (game session) added buttons for sharing mass/energy/units with allied human players (faster than LazyShare)
- (game session) added buttons for sharing mass/energy/units with allied AI players
- (game session) added chat notifications for transferred amount of mass/energy to allied players
- (game session) added chat notifications for transferred number of units to allied players
- (game session) added separator lines between players' lines and teams' lines in game session
- (replay session) changed reclaim column to show reclaim values (works with latest FAF beta patch)
- (replay session) added auto-hiding multifunction panel because it is not used in replays at all
- (replay session) added auto-switching between score columns (e.g. units types air|land|naval)
- (replay session) clicking on a column toggle will disable auto-switching columns
- fixed coloring of player names when they are not in teams (e.g. Phantom games)
- fixed coloring of player names in replay session
- fixed information in tooltips
- fixed conditions for checking ranked games
- fixed teams statistics by including score data for dead players
- fixed team status that shows how many players are still alive
- fixed detection of dead players in sandbox games
- fixed placement of icons in the sort line
- fixed alignment of top line with its background
- fixed very long map names by truncating them to 30 chars
- changed background of the score board to darker color (better visibility of player names)
- changed units column to show air/land/navy/all instead of cumulative values, e.g. air + navy
- changed ranking column to show exact values in ladder games and rounded values in regular games
- changed coloring of player names and now they will match color of team
- changed column with player names to include clan tags (if they exist)
--[[ v1.1 - HUSSAR - October 5, 2015
- fixed info about active mods in replay session
- fixed status of game raking
- fixed tooltip about game quality/balance
- added coloring of player names based on team color
- thanks to testers: Petricpwnz, Anihilnine
--[[ v1.0 - HUSSAR - September 25, 2015
- added team lines that sums up statistics for allied players
- added column with filters to show count of air/land/navy/base units
- added column for total mass of collected/killed/lost
- added column for players rating to prevent clipping by score values
- added toggle to show and sort players by their army rating
- added toggle to show and sort players by total mass collected
- added toggle to show and sort players by total mass reclaimed*
- added toggle to show and sort players by total energy reclaimed*
- added toggle to show and sort players by total energy collected
- added toggle to show and sort players by their clan tags
- added toggle to show and sort players by Kills-to-Loses Ratio
- added toggle to show and sort players by Kills-to-Built Ratio
- added toggle to sort players by current mass income
- added toggle to sort players by current energy income
- added toggle to sort players by current score value
- added toggle to sort players by their army name
- added toggle to sort players by their clan tag
- added toggle to sort players by their team id
- added sorting by two columns when value in the first sorting are equal, e.g. sorting by team ID and then by mass income
- added team status showing alive/maximum players
- added rendering players names with red/green when in players view to show allies/enemies
- added calculation of AI rating based on AI type and AI cheat modifiers
- added field showing game quality based on network connection between players
- added tooltips for all new UI elements in the score panel
- added info about map size
- added icons with improved quality for mass, energy, units
- added icons with info about game restrictions
- added icons with info about active mods
- added icons with info about unit sharing
- added icons with info about victory conditions
- added icons with info about AI multipliers
- added notifications about 1st experimental unit built by a player
- changed game time/speed fields into two fields
- changed unit counter to show unit count of all armies (in observer view) or just player's units (in player view)
- fixed missing tooltip for game speed slider
- fixed performance in updating score panel by limiting number of for loops (n*n-times to n-times)
- fixed issues with performing operations on uninitialized values of score data
- fixed redundant function calls to GetArmiesTable().armiesTable
- fixed redundant function calls to GetFocusArmy()
- fixed redundant function calls to SessionIsReplay()
- fixed redundant function calls to SessionGetScenarioInfo()
- fixed redundant imports of some LUA scripts (e.g. announcement.lua)
* pending FAF patch that will actually add reclaim values to score data and thus enable them to show in score panel
-- maps big: Seton's Clutch, The Dark Heart, Seraphim Glaciers, Twin Rivers
-- maps small: Balvery Mountains Diversity
-- players: Lainelas, Blackheart, Blackdeath, Foley, BRNKoINSANITY
-- ai Neptune, EntropicVoid on The Dark Heart
-- max teams Fractal Cancer, Seraphim Glaciers, White Fire
-- clans SGI Nequilich e VoR
FAF bugs:
limit logging: "Particle cap exceeded, discarding excess."
logs line = line# in this file + # of lines in original score.lua (615)
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