by DDDX » 15 Jul 2019, 20:45
pretty sure that was Swarm for AI mod.
I personally do not like it. All it does is scales up the game, in such a way that t1 and t2 and even t3 mean nothing, only experimentals, and later on even they are useless against the strongest ones.
To keep up people regularly use x2 ress/build rate, or exmex or other overpowered broken mods...and then what you have yourself is a greatly scaled-up game, in every aspect INCLUDING in speed (played and joined mostly by noob players who already have trouble at regular speeds and at regular scale of things).
But hey, to each his own.
Check out my 2 maps: "Survival_Mayhem&BO_3d_v1" "Survival_Mayhem&BO_3d_RPG"
as well as my mod: "Survival Mayhem&BO balance"
-- let me know of any bugs or issues regarding those 3.