Underwater overcharge

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Underwater overcharge

Postby DDDX » 28 Mar 2019, 10:56

Hi guys.

For the purpose of my survival map & accompanying mod, I made certain hero units that can either get land upgrades or naval upgrades (the second one giving them torpedoes, torp turrets to build...) so you can pick between supporting the naval side of the survival, or the land side.

Seeing how the hero can have 10+ different weapons vs land (depending on enhancements), and just 1 on the navy side which also gets a ton of land experimentals on the seabed (torpedoes), I need to increase the damage output in water, make the hero stronger vs submerged units and also make it able to snipe valuable targets.

So, to that end, how do I make the overcharge cannon shoot underwater?

I made the necessary changes in the unit's bp file for that weapon (layers it is able to shoot from/at, AboveWater...Only, I tried editing the Overcharge weapon blueprint itself so that the settings match those of, for example, depth charges of a CZAR, which penetrate water and carry on to its underwater target...but still toe OC weapon does not fire under water.

Clearly there is something else, in some other file that needs to also be modified for a weapon to be able to shoot under water/hit targets under water. Anyone knows what I am missing? Or, if there is a mod with units that can do that, so i can take a look at how it's done?

I realize fiddling with weapons in this manner fucks up the entire naval balance, that's why I only plan to use it for one unit - the hero one, and only for overcharge.

Ty for any help you can give me.
Check out my 2 maps: "Survival_Mayhem&BO_3d_v1" "Survival_Mayhem&BO_3d_RPG"
as well as my mod: "Survival Mayhem&BO balance"
-- let me know of any bugs or issues regarding those 3.
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Re: Underwater overcharge

Postby Franck83 » 28 Mar 2019, 13:37

Did you mod both overcharge weapons (auto overcharge and manual one) ?
Alliance of Heroes Mod is out ! Try it ! It's in the Mod Vault !
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Re: Underwater overcharge

Postby Franck83 » 28 Mar 2019, 13:45

Don't forget the differences between Seabed, Sub and Water too.

Underwater firing is Sub.
Alliance of Heroes Mod is out ! Try it ! It's in the Mod Vault !
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Re: Underwater overcharge

Postby DDDX » 28 Mar 2019, 16:25

yup...it was the sub layer. I was testing it on HARMS, totally assumed their layer was seabed, didn't even notice i have not put in the sub layer in the weapon.

So simple...so stupid...thanx a lot man!!!!!!
Check out my 2 maps: "Survival_Mayhem&BO_3d_v1" "Survival_Mayhem&BO_3d_RPG"
as well as my mod: "Survival Mayhem&BO balance"
-- let me know of any bugs or issues regarding those 3.
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