While playing the game and searching for fitting props for my maps, I stumbled over many things that are not balanced/consistent:
-Big difference in LOD cutoff of same prop types (Inconsistent blend in and out while zooming)
-Some props are still not displayed even if you are already able to reclaim them, but other props right next to it of same size and mass amount are visible
-Some tree groups displaying wrong or none LOD3
-Props of similar size and type have huge difference in reclaim values
-Irregularities in blocked path (e.g. small crystal bars way of a huge rock and the other way around)
-Some props are not reclaimable
Supreme Props - FAF integration
-a vastly improved version of the mod is now integrated into FAF: see integration details
--> makes the mod redundant, except "Supreme Props (Only Reclaim Values & Bug Fixes)" if you like to try experimental reclaim values by size, type and amount.
Supreme Props - SIM Mod
-Mod aimes to fix these issues (Thx to b2ag for his support and coding help)
-Mod overrides LOD (level of detail) and reclaim values (mass, energy & reclaim time) in the prop blueprints (rocks, trees & structures) to improve visibility and achieve consistency/balance
-Mod removes LOD errors in some tree props, makes all props reclaimable and blocks path for none living props consistent
-All changes are based on original prop values to minimize the performance and balance impact
Video presentation --> illustrates the differences/issues in the original props and the mod benefits
You can test it on the map FA and FAF Props that contains all currently available props. --> check the vault
-Due to possible performance influence (LOD) and balance changes (Reclaim Values), 4 different mod versions are available:
- Supreme Props --> full version
- Supreme Props (Only LOD & Bug Fixes) --> no reclaim value changes
- Supreme Props (Only Reclaim Values & Bug Fixes) --> no LOD changes
- Supreme Props (Only Bug Fixes) --> no LOD and reclaim value changes
-LOD is based on mass value, prop size and prop typ
-Props will be displayed before you can reclaim them (Should help preventing 'ctrl-shift' abuse: Former props with LOD 100 from crystalline, tropical and evergreen could be reclaimed without being visible)
-Fixes tree props not being displayed after LOD2 (Added missing LOD3, fixed LODCutoff1 and ShaderName2 for continuous visibility)
-Fixes tree groups dispaying wrong albedo at LOD3 (Palms, Tundra Pine)
-LOD fixes integrate unused/matching original files
-Removed LOD4 from 'Brch01_props.bp' (All other have 1,2 or 3 LOD steps)
-Could influence performance (Works fine for me, but needs to be tested)
New LOD steps:
-former LOD range 30-1000, but only a few with LOD 1000
Rocks (none living props):
- LOD1: 300 (<=5 mass)
- LOD2: 400 (>5-10 mass)
- LOD3: 750 (>=37,5 mass)
- LOD1: 30 (80 for trees with missing LOD3 to improve transition e.g. dead lava trees)
- LOD2: 200
- LOD3: 750
-All reclaim values are based on the prop size, amount and type
-Fixes bugs like: big stone worth 10 mass while small crystals and some street lights are worth 300 mass
-Improves reclaim values of all prop themes (Some themes had litte reclaim variation but huge size differences)
-Reclaim time = max mass or energy value of prop
-Reclaim values of prop groups are now defined by actual composition (Yeah, I really counted the used props)
-Undamaged groups give 40% less mass and energy (compared to amount of individual props) to reduce reclaim advantage
-Damaged tree groups resemble the individual reclaim value of undamaged props (Due to former seemingly random group values, an unbalanced gain or even a loss of mass/energy is currently the case if tree groups get broken)
New reclaim value range:
-Rock, crystal and structure props: 1-300 mass (Same range as before, but adapted reclaim values)
-Individual living props (e.g. trees and bushes): >0-12 energy and >0-1,2 mass (Former range 0-15 energy and 0-1,4 mass)
-Living groups (e.g. trees and cactuses): >0-185 energy and >0-18,5 mass (Former range 0-160 energy and 0-12 mass)
-Removes LOD errors in some tree props (wrong or non LOD3 in Desert, Evergreen, Lava, Tropical und Tundra theme)
-Makes remainimg props 'RECLAIMABLE' (Common, RedRocks and Tropical theme - go reclaim the 'ThetaBridge'!)
-Blocks path consistent for none living props worth >=10 mass (except Cybran/UEF dock (flat), 2 props that hover in mid air or you reclaim them)
-All streetlights and small fences behave like UEF ones (Fall like trees)
-Structures theme gets new reclaim values (otherwise they do not block, because missing mass value)
-Unsolved Bug: Original file for LOD3 'DC01_Group2_LOD2_albedo.dds' has shade error (bottom left)
have fun