Snippet from such a file:
- Code: Select all
MasterChain = {
Markers = {
['AmphPN10'] = {
['hint'] = BOOLEAN( true ),
['type'] = STRING( 'Amphibious Path Node' ),
['adjacentTo'] = STRING( 'AmphPN03 AmphPN04' ),
['color'] = STRING( 'ff00ffff' ),
['graph'] = STRING( 'DefaultAmphibious' ),
['prop'] = STRING( '/env/common/props/markers/M_Path_prop.bp' ),
['orientation'] = VECTOR3( 0, -0, 0 ),
['position'] = VECTOR3( 460.5, 32.9141, 204.5 ),
Dunno... are these custom functions that are defined elsewhere and the map files get loaded where the functions are defined already or are these predefined functions of that modified lua interpreter? And where do I get that modified one if this is the case?