Looking to have someone make mod for "grouping teams into preset color choices".
I would like to have the 16 present colors arranged in normal color spectrum wavelength order.
ROYGBIV - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet, when team selecting colors.
Eg: For 2 team game -
team one always chooses from first 8 colors (darks, reds, orange, tans thru yellow variants)
and team two always chooses from last 8 colors ( green, blue, indigo, violet, white colors)
Divide and sort similar way for 3, 4, 5, 6 team games.
By having same color group variants for team play you will quickly, intuitivly,
learn teams colors and always know which colors are friend or foe during every game.
It is good for spotting team chat, and for
quickly sorting and balancing in game lobby too.
Some one quote me for building this mod and I would like to commision it.
and I will pay Gyle to cast them,
I know he will like every game having team 1 and 2 from same color group each time
Reds (orange/yellows) team vs Blues (green/violets) team.