- Code: Select all
Footprint = {
MaxSlope = 0.25,
SizeX = 1,
SizeZ = 1,
Footprint is the "required" o-grid area a unit needs to be built, this can be different then the units actual size / hitbox. Keep in mind that there are "standard" footprint sizes already defined. Choosing one footprint over another can add effects as predefined by the games lua script. (Yes this can be modded too)
- Code: Select all
Physics = {
BankingSlope = 0,
BuildOnLayerCaps = {
LAYER_Air = false,
LAYER_Land = true,
LAYER_Orbit = false,
LAYER_Seabed = false,
LAYER_Sub = false,
LAYER_Water = false,
Elevation = 75,
FuelRechargeRate = 150,
FuelUseTime = 0,
MaxAcceleration = 1,
MaxSpeed = 10,
MaxSteerForce = 100,
MeshExtentsX = 5.75,
MeshExtentsY = 4.5,
MeshExtentsZ = 8,
MinSpeedPercent = 0.85,
MotionType = 'RULEUMT_Air',
SkirtOffsetX = -1.5,
SkirtOffsetZ = -1.5,
SkirtSizeX = 10,
SkirtSizeZ = 10,
TurnRadius = 100,
TurnRate = 20,
BuildOnLayerCaps = which layer the unit can be built on (water / air / land ect.)
Elevation = how high above the ground the unit will be while in play. Your setting of 75 means that whatever is built is basically floating in the air, despite being built on the ground. (this isn't flying, just stuck in space) Normally this is used to offset a unit above the ground when it is uneven to prevent clipping issues. Typically small values are used to fine to the appearance of a unit or to give the illusion that a unit is hovering.
MeshExtentsX/Y/Z = the boundaries of the unit in question (x,y,z). Be aware this isn't the units Hitbox but rather just defining the mesh area. Beyond that, I'm not aware of this having an ingame purpose. It's possible that a script can be written to use the Mesh size and unit scaling to auto setup hitboxes / selection-size ect. However this all assumes that custom meshes all use the same "scale" when developing their models.
SkirtOffsetX/Y = The offset of the decal from the meshes center bone of the unit in question.
SkirtSizeX/Y/Z = the decal size that's placed under a unit, if any. (buildings have this)
SelectionSizeX/Y = The area above a unit that a mouse cursor must be over for the selection reticle to be shown.
SelectionThickness = Thickness of the selection reticle.
SizeX/Y/Z = Units hitbox. This can be either a Box or a Sphere. Keep in mind that the Sphere has only one value, its radius.
CollisionOffsetX/Y/Z = Offsets a units hitbox, which is normally centered over it's main mesh bone.
CollisionShape = Sphere / Box shape for hitbox. Changing a units scaling requires that its hitbox / selection box be rescaled as well.
Note: Unit hitboxes can be set and manipulated via scripts or via console commands for testing.
Killzone, can you provide pic's of the unit in game so i can advise?