by Evan_ » 12 Feb 2017, 18:02
Not a modder (yet) but there are a couple reasons why this wouldn't work would not make for good gameplay:
1: because of Fog of war, you likely wouldn't see very far anyways, making it difficult to get an advantage out of this unless you are scout streaming.
2: having perfect control over one unit means sacrificing everything else, awareness, micro/macro, ect. I might be able to switch into first person view to kill 2 tanks with a mech marine or manual reclaim quickly, but then get my com beetle sniped on the other side of the map.
3: 3rd person view limits your vision to what's in front of you. Suppose I'm rampaging through the enemy base with a monkeylord but suddenly it's destroyed by something behind it. I won't know if it was strats, percivals, overcharge, or something else and I won't know the quantity either, unless I hear the sound. But some sounds sound similar (t1 bombers and strats, ect) so I might still be wrong.
Also, mapping units to wasd and mouse wouldn't be that simple. Different units have different turret locations, abilities, frontloadedness, height, ect. Some units have multiple guns that will point in different directions (fatboy, restorers) meaning we'd (I say we but I mean they) need to program different controls for each unit. And that's not even counting the fact that you're overriding hotkeys/much of the ui.
I'm not saying it's impossible to make something good out of it, but if you really want 3rd person, you can simply (assuming default controls) zoom in on a unit, hit ctrl-v to toggle freecam, hit t to track that unit, and while holding space, move your camera into a third person view.