- Code: Select all
Description['TANKSYUNIT'] = "Test."
which is how BlackOps have entries in their file. Frustratingly, in-game this doesn't show up. I compared with a BlackOps unit ".bp" file, and they have;
- Code: Select all
Description = "<LOC unitname_desc> Unit Name"
And further on in the file;
- Code: Select all
HelpText = "<LOC unitname_help> Unit Name"
I tried to look into LOC, and have a file in hook/loc/US/ called strings_db.lua, with an entry such as:
- Code: Select all
and then in my own unit's .bp file I put the Desc and Help to use "<LOC TANKSYUNIT_desc>" and "<LOC TANKSYUNIT_help>" in the appropriate places. In-game is still no dice. "Description" changes the tiny little box that appears when you hover over the icon of the unit, but there is still no descriptive white-text appearing in the box underneath the abilities.
Further studying BlackOps' unitdescriptions.lua file, half of their entries begin with "<LOC Unit_Description_20000##>", so I have done just that. Now my unitdescriptions file reads:
- Code: Select all
Description['TANKSYUNIT'] = "<LOC Unit_Description_Tanksy>Test."
and my strings_db.lua file has been updated to have a "Unit_Description_Tanksy="Test." field.
Why is nothing working for me, but even less effort works fine for everyone else? What am I doing wrong, when I've been carefully making sure to be doing the same as everybody else?