I ran for player councilor hoping to work from within towards change to undo the damage caused by zock's efforts to make FAF more "balanced" focusing of course mostly on 1v1 and disregarding the damage done to team games.
Therefore I have made this mod to repeal the bad changes to the units made to set it back to before the first August "balance" patch while trying to keep the good stuff. So without going into a time wasting discussion again about balance, you can find the mod in the vault:
Pre_August_2016_Balance V4
Changes that are maintained:
*Air stagging
*TML missle number
*Lab buildtime of 120
*Cybran mobile stealth tank energy use of -75
*UEF MML friendly fire
*T2 aoen ground weapon for ghetto gunship targeting
*T2 hover tanks speed
Paper ACU repealed, i.e. ACU reinstated
Ras, aoen sensors, hp and regen is back to what it was meant to be! Teleport doesnt give away that you are coming anymore.
1 slot on transport!
-T1 Bomber (Reinstated)
mass: 80
Reload: 4 seconds
Circle object: 13 seconds
Janus (Reinstated)
Targeting fixed (used to undershoot and miss often. After several tests, it proved to hit the target every time correctly)
-Cybran cruiser:
Auto toggle removed, toggle is now back in control of the player
-Scathis (Reinstated)
Energy: 1,500,000
Build time: 31,500
T1 uef Arty (Reinstated)
Hp: 200
T1 mobile AA (Reinstated)
Check unit database for stats. Auto toggle on cybran mobile AA removed.
T2 Land Hq upgrade
Mass: 800
Energy: 7200
Build time: 1600
Build power: 40
T2 Air Hq upgrade
Mass: 630
Energy: 11700
Build time: 1800
Build power: 40
T2 Navy Hq upgrade
Mass: 1370
Energy: 6600
Build time: 2400
Build power: 60
T2 Land support factory
Mass: 540
Energy: 4800
Build time: 1300
Build power: 40
T2 Air support factory
Mass: 510
Energy: 8000
Build time: 1300
Build power: 40
T2 Navy support factory
Mass: 800
Energy: 4000
Build time: 2000
Build power: 60
T3 Land Hq upgrade
Mass: 3400
Energy: 30600
Build time: 11000
Build power: 90
T3 Air Hq upgrade
Mass: 3250
Energy: 85900
Build time: 10400
Build power: 120
T3 Navy Hq upgrade
Mass: 5450
Energy: 24500
Build time: 9180
Build power: 120
T3 Land support factory
Mass: 1290
Energy: 11550
Build time: 3000
Build power: 90
T3 Air support factory
Mass: 1510
Energy: 34000
Build time: 4000
Build power: 120
T3 Navy support factory
Mass: 1600
Energy: 7400
Build time: 4000
Build power: 120
Whilst some minor things may not be mentioned or forgotten, the game should be as before the patches, including some improvements as mentioned.