Hey everybody! I figured I've partaken of this great community for a long time, and enjoyed every minute of it--and every minute of getting whomped in multiplayer so I figured it was time I give something back. It's not much, and it's still very much a work-in-progress, but it's my own, and it's here to say that I did my part, no matter how small, to contribute to the community.
What it is: Custom Control Pad is an app for iOS devices - see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_H3Mc_JefU. It allows you to create user-designed gamepad-like interfaces that you can then use wirelessly with any game. I did not make the app. What I am making, however, is a series of layouts for SupcomFA!
First Draft:
So that's the basic idea. I have the basic layout pretty much "done", but I wanted to get input from people who were actually good at the game, lol, to see if this was a good setup or not. Once everything's decided on where it should go, I'm planning on designing custom buttons for everything to bring it more in-line with Supcom's design ethos.
Speaking of that, does anybody know where I can get large strategic icons? Eventually, that's what I want to do. Have every build button be that unit's strategic icon--if not, I'll have it be the unit icon itself, tweaked somehow, unless those are too small, too, and then I'll just design my own buttons, which I have to do with some of them anyway.
Ideas? Comments? Wanna tell me I'm wasting my life?