I am working on a new Point Defense unit based on the UEF T2 Artillery model firing a G-Colossus EyeBeam. I've had success with other modded units using projectiles & ProjectileID, but the beam weapons are giving me trouble and are a little harder to understand.
For this particular unit I am working on, I've copied the GC weapon info from it's UAL0401-unit.bp over to the Arty's .bp, careful to keep it's original Rackbones & Turret bones unchanged. I've done the same changing the main weapon from GC's script.lua over to the Arty's. When I load it in game, the unit is placed, but does not turn to any target or fire anything at all. I would like to know what I am missing here.
In short, I want to make a thick beam (I.e. Monkeylord, C-ACU, GC) Point Defense unit for the UEF. Thank you. I'm moderately new at modding SC, so these forums have been a great help so far.