have not played much of it, but i thought they include rule "no hill"
if there are no such rule, getting stuff on hill is obviosly good idea, i remember myself just building megalith on top with my acu on bottom, mega often gets stuck, but you can make t3 engyes and stealth fields, scatis on hill would be OP, right?
if rule is no drone, wtf does that even means? usually you are not allowed to reclaim enemy land units or enemy base, no idea if that rule applyes to not allowing building on hills, or reclaiming dead stuff on the field...
i would recommend making UEF enginering preset support commander and use his t3 drone with assistance of normal drones, make fattyes or t2 TML or make spearheads, whatever you wish
you can't tele cause it is forbidden right?
Edit: yes i think it is a good tactic to build on hill if you manage to hold middle
also would be cool to hold middle with Land exps then, not with t3 pds
cause if you abuse hill you can destroy enemy base defence from hill with t3 mobile arty and then push trought the mid
but time will be against you, enemy most like just builds 3-4 of emmisaryes and kills your ACU
or you can ust wait for their t3 arty go up and TML it
while slowly killing their base with mobile t3 srty or fatty