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Darth_Google wrote:Hello, do you still give advice on the replays?
Darth_Google wrote:I've posted a replay in a replay analysis thread with me losing to a turtle player. The problem is.. i had a rough idea on how to turn the tables on him, though fumbled an execution, but if the guy would choose not to turtle and rather hit me wiht units i'd lose earlier. But at least i have an idea on what to do with turtling players.
The real issue is i try to main an Aeon and im really struggling against either early raids on maps like Theta and in the same time if enemy chooses to turtle it feels like you cant really break in with Aeon. Obsidians are quite expensive and dont seem really effective against t2 PDs esp. if shielded, Blazes i dont even try and Auroras with shields are still Auroras. And after that the turtle is just a step ahead of me: by the moment i bring MMLs he already have shield and begins on TMD, so i have to wait for t3. I grow bored and try to do something before that, do a stupid mistakes like building a TML battery while already struggling on mass and all that because i grow so frustrated with the slow slugfest.
I can do decent with UEF or Cybran in a situations like these but with Aeon im really struggling against turtling. Part of the issue is i find it hard to raid or defend from raids with Aeon since i rely on microing Auroras and if 4 Mantis come in after the mexes you cant just put 5 strikers there and expect them to win because Auroras tend to lose when not microed and in the same numbers.
Replay ID is 5277401
I play as UEF there and lose but this applies to Aeon too i think, it;s just even harder and more infuriating because if i'd play the same game with Aeon.. it'd be even worse. It must be some common mistakes i make if the same issue keeps appearing but i fail to recognise it.
angus000 wrote:Your macro is terrible. You walked with your acu right at the beginning, your build order was messed up, you didn't queue up units in factories fast enough, you didn't expand beyond your secure perimeter, you didn't stop air production while E stalling at the beginning, you wasted mass all game! How are you 1300 rated? No offense intended, just amazed.
You need to try to improve your BOs and expanding. You had already lost after the first 4 minutes, if not before.
Darth_Google wrote:The good ratio for factories is about one per two mexes considering they are building all the time, right?
Petricpwnz wrote:biass on his campaign to cleanse and remake every single map of FAF because he is an untolerating reincarnation of mapping hitler
biass wrote:Darth_Google wrote:The good ratio for factories is about one per two mexes considering they are building all the time, right?
If you are behind of units and you think we will attack you, build some more factories
Darth_Google wrote:im pretty sure that hydro+pgen or two or trees was enough to get away with building bomber back then because thats about how i got away with that
You just have not seen the most interesting and embarassing part where i walk my ACU all around the map and die on my opponent's base.
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