by Vee » 18 Aug 2014, 03:53
Here's how I do it.
If I played the map before, I remember last time I played the map, and I remember what went right and what went wrong in the BO, and change it accordingly. For example if I powerstalled last time, then better build an extra pgen, and if I had spare power, try one pgen less.
If I didn't play the map before, I remember maps with similar starting positions, so that I have some idea of what to do.
There are also some rules of thumb. Where I see most people failing is on maps with a hydro and reclaim. So here's a quick rule of thumb of what to do on hydro maps: make 4 mex, then hydro, then 3 pgens, then airfac, then landfac. First engi and second engi assist acu for building those things. Third engi finds some reclaim (important!!) and then expands.
If you only remember 1 thing, then remember this. If you have a hydro close by the build range of your acu, then never ever make pgens before hydro. The BO gods will curse you for that. You end up with less mass AND less power with that.
What is also really important is the small details. Try to minimize engi/acu movement. Try to build everything inside the build range where the engi/acu already is. And NEVER change the rally point of a factory to the other direction while a unit is already in production. Don't let engies/acu bump into each other. The reason why the small details are important is not just because if your engi walks 2 seconds then your factory will be done 2 seconds later, but there are also secondary effects. When your engi walks 2 seconds, you'll have some mass in storage because the engi starts spending mass later. Your factory will be done later, so from that you also get extra mass in storage. To spend that mass you'll have to build additional stuff. And to build additional stuff you need additional pgens. And to build additional pgens you need additional engies. tl;dr: get your stuff as early as you can, whether it's pgens, mexes, or factories.
That said, if you manage to get 2 extra tanks by using a superior BO, and then you don't pay attention and let those tanks die to the enemy acu, then you've won nothing. Early unit micro is much more important than BO.