Latley ive been playing exsclusivly mid on setons, and ive begun realising why no one wants that position. I dont like turtle so i grab cybran and play super agresivly, comm in front and swarm with t1 units, and so far it works like a charm. Unlless i kill his comm outright on mid i roll throu his base moust of time. What follows is rage enducing usually. 9/10 i get killed by air or raped by navy while trying to set up forward base with my comm.
Seeing mid breached rest of the team sits back and starts ecoing while im getting raped from air navy and ground
Few matches i had where my team atleast postures navies so i dont get bombarded and keeps ceptors nearby ends in 20-30 min quick win.
Can some1 link me high level setons replays or give me some pointers on how to pull it off?
Ive attached the latest replay which perfectly shows what ussually happens. Any feedback on build order and tactic would be apriciated.