Okay I think I've cracked it. A lot of pro players are Cybran/UEF/Seraphim which are great at offense because their units have high health but low DPS. So a lot of the time they have advised me to raid like mad, constantly harrass the enemy and use light assault bots. While being correct from their perspective, an Aeon player has to play more defensively due to having less armour but more firepower. I played a game against a good player today where I did none of the traditional things. Instead, I just defended my half of the map, until I was able to force a stalmate and upgrade my com to break said stalemate. Normally before a stalmate situation would occur, I would get overrun (especially against Cybran who can spam Mantis very fast) but thanks to Zock's advice of not building artillery I was able to counter the Manti quite effectively with my Auroras. The replay is to demonstrate the kind of playing I am talking about. Also I think using bombers to bomb outlying mexes is better than bombing power because it is easier for them to build anti-air in their base but they can't really counter mex bombing easily, as demonstrated in the replay. So to summarise:
defend>stalmate>break stalmate>win
That seems to be the most effective way to play Aeon.