My team game abilities are sub-noob

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My team game abilities are sub-noob

Postby Eukanuba » 21 Feb 2013, 01:28

I'm OK 1v1, I can beat players up to 1600 on occasion. But any team game more than 2v2 I am a total noob.

They say that getting good at 1v1 will teach you everything you need to know, but it hasn't taught me all I need to know. Any large team game, Seton's, Thermo or any other 4v4+ I quickly find myself at the bottom of the score table.

Then just about when I'm getting to T2 I find that one of my teammates is fielding an XP and the other team is on T3 air.

Obviously I'm not teching fast enough, but I don't understand really where I'm going wrong.

Should teamgames be about focussing purely on tech? Should they about a mix of tech and units? How do I find the balance?
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Re: My team game abilities are sub-noob

Postby rootbeer23 » 21 Feb 2013, 05:54

team games favour defensive tactics, if you send out raiding groups they are going against the whole enemy team and more than 1 acu, so they are less effective. if you beat your immediate opponent, that doesnt win the game for you, it just means he will get help from his team and your allies will sit on their ass.

so yes team games are about having enough shooting units to deal with attacks and otherwise getting mass, energy and buildpower up.

there are some exceptions to that. one would be teamplay. *all* ACUs get gun and lots of t1 land without teching up. you would most likely find your opponent is just getting t2 mexes up. the smaller the map, the better (zero island 8-) ).
on a map like chaos 3v3 you can even roll your opponent alone, because the teams are fairly spread out and may not be able to help each other that fast.

most teamgames dont involve a team-plan. there, you will always want to keep an eye on upgrading. that means you will probably want to up a few mexes before making your line of t1 land factories and attack weak spots with superior numbers without going too far.
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Re: My team game abilities are sub-noob

Postby Eukanuba » 21 Feb 2013, 10:16

I posted this OP after a particularly bad performance on Seton's, I was in the cliff position and got overwhelmed by T2 navy when all I'd managed to build was about five T1 subs.

Can someone give a rough game plan and build order for getting a decent navy up on Seton's?
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Re: My team game abilities are sub-noob

Postby rootbeer23 » 21 Feb 2013, 10:21

start at the beach spot and analyze how your opponent rolled you.
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Re: My team game abilities are sub-noob

Postby ZaphodX » 21 Feb 2013, 10:28

I'm in the same position. I only play 1v1 and my teamgame performance is severely let down by knowledge of higher techs.

The biggest mistake you are probably making is not ecoing enough. Unless you are all going for a co-ordinated rush then you need to eco quite a bit. Practice lots of teamgames until you start using and recognising common effective strategies people use. Concentrate on building up your eco much more than you would in a 1v1 or 2v2.
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Re: My team game abilities are sub-noob

Postby Flynn » 21 Feb 2013, 11:23

It's amazing how many people are the other way around and have just got their rating from team games. As soon as they are in a 1 on 1 face to face with their enemy they crumble. It's better to be the other way round IMHAO. I've never really taken team games seriously TBH, just have a bit of fun and help out your opponents whilst you can. The real men play 1v1 after all 8-)
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Re: My team game abilities are sub-noob

Postby Batmansrueckkehr » 21 Feb 2013, 11:30

Flynn wrote:It's amazing how many people are the other way around and have just got their rating from team games. As soon as they are in a 1 on 1 face to face with their enemy they crumble. It's better to be the other way round IMHAO. I've never really taken team games seriously TBH, just have a bit of fun and help out your opponents whilst you can. The real men play 1v1 after all 8-)

depends on how many mates you have and like to play with and not againt them. :D
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Re: My team game abilities are sub-noob

Postby ColonelSheppard » 21 Feb 2013, 13:11

Flynn wrote:It's amazing how many people are the other way around and have just got their rating from team games. As soon as they are in a 1 on 1 face to face with their enemy they crumble. It's better to be the other way round IMHAO. I've never really taken team games seriously TBH, just have a bit of fun and help out your opponents whilst you can. The real men play 1v1 after all 8-)

while it is true that team game skill and 1v1 skill do not convert 1:1 if you switch, i would say teamgames can be even more challanging than 1v1, as you sometimes fight 1v2 or even 1v3 (this often leads to frustration)
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