My name is Casey, I'm a British student who enjoys playing chess. Lately, I've been speaking to the other players who seem to be getting more and more involved with their computers. Yes, they gaveme the. Pc gaming bug! It started with free civ but has moved on to supreme commander

It's taken me ages, but I've managed to beat the single player of the first game and the UEF missions of FA. On normal difficulty, I would love to start playing online but I'm a little nervous, I have a feeling that against people will be very different to the campaign.
I found out about FAF due to Gyles wonderful casts (Gyle honey, if you're reading this then the awareness campaign is working!) and I've managed to get it installed and have enjoyed chatting to people using it

My first question is, am I ready to play? I realise that things have been changed but does FAF change things for you? Do I need to install other things?
Secondly, am I likely to find people of my level or are you all grand masters?

Thirdly, I find UEF to be the easiest for me, theres something slightly more intuitive about the shape of their units, I mean, a tank looks like a tank, it's hard to explain. Is it okay to stick with them or should I do the rest of the levels and try and get equally skilled with everyone.
Many many thanks for your help and I look foward to playing with you
