Do AI use Strategic (Nuclear) Missile Launchers

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Do AI use Strategic (Nuclear) Missile Launchers

Postby GamerDreams2019ns » 15 Sep 2019, 22:23

I have played SupCom 2 and the AI used Strategic Missile Launchers after about 30 minutes into the game.

But for Forged Alliance, all AI do not use them even after the game is way beyond 1 hour. Do the AI use them ??

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Re: Do AI use Strategic (Nuclear) Missile Launchers

Postby armacham01 » 16 Sep 2019, 00:15

It depends on the AI (there are standard, sorian, and uveso AIs, and each of those types has sub-types)

It's not really based on time. It is based on the size of the economy

For example, Sorian AIx (which gets to a large economy more quickly on fewer mexes) will make nukes, T4s, teleport SACUs, etc. But if you play on the same map against a regular Sorian AI, it might never get wealthy enough that it starts making those things.
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Re: Do AI use Strategic (Nuclear) Missile Launchers

Postby GamerDreams2019ns » 19 Sep 2019, 15:44

armacham01 wrote:It depends on the AI (there are standard, sorian, and uveso AIs, and each of those types has sub-types)

It's not really based on time. It is based on the size of the economy

For example, Sorian AIx (which gets to a large economy more quickly on fewer mexes) will make nukes, T4s, teleport SACUs, etc. But if you play on the same map against a regular Sorian AI, it might never get wealthy enough that it starts making those things.

I see. Thanks for the tips. I am still new to SCFA game. :mrgreen:
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