Streaming through discord.

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Streaming through discord.

Postby facechild » 04 Sep 2019, 05:02

With discord's new streaming feature, i wanted to take full advantage, but it seems discord does not properly recognize Forged alliance when run through the FAF Client. I have also added C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe under Discord options (game activity) and it recognizes it when i run it standalone, but if i tried to start an online game through FAF client discord refuses to see it. It does thee the client and i can screen share that, (but that's just the client) Any ideas?
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Re: Streaming through discord.

Postby Ajack » 05 Feb 2020, 17:23

What i do is each time i want to stream FAF on discord, i delete Forged Alliance in the "In game activity" tab and add it again by clicking "Add" while i'm in a lobby sim. Discord detects the game and it can be streamed. Unfortunatelly each game you have to repeat that process. Very tedious but it works xd

Also, thanks for the golden spade award :D Well maybe a silver one...
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