The first few minutes were good. Your build order was solid and you nicely protected your expansions.
It started going downhill at around 4:00. You let your top expanding engineer go out unprotected, and it needlessly died. You let a bunch of engineers and tanks pile up in your base, and stopped making energy.
Remember that building energy costs quite a bit of energy itself, so if you're stalling, don't put a bunch of engineers on making more power as you'll just stall more. Pause your air fac and put 1-2 engies on making power until things stabilize.
You left a lot of tanks in the bottom of the map that could have killed his expansion. Your engineer would still be protected, as there's only one path of attack, so moving the tanks that were with it forward has very little risk.
At 9 minutes, you could have charged in and killed him with your ACU and tanks. He didn't have enough to stop you, and only had range on his ACU - not rate of fire.
After he gained air superiority, it was pointless to continue making ints as they were instantly killed as they were built. Adding AAs to your queue earlier would have stopped his bombers cold.
Sending your army to his ACU + army was perhaps the worst mistake. Whenever you choose to engage units, it should only be when you're as sure as you can that you'll come out ahead and kill more than you lose.
After that the game was basically over - you didn't have nearly enough mass to match his production, and he had too much of a lead with army size. However, you had a lot of surplus energy - you might as well try a hail mary, and stop everything to make t2 air, gun, anything unexpected.
I'd be happy to practice with you if you want to try these things.