I am looking for guidance on how to simplify the task of summoning a transport, loading it with units and sending it off to drop them somewhere.
I appreciate this sounds simple but it's something that requires a lot of attention from me in-game (loads of clicks and operations), and I feel the community might have some guidance on hotkeys, mods, or maybe even simple steps that you follow.
Suppose I want to transport 6 engineers (that are on-screen) from my base into the water. The steps are as follows - and I have deliberately listed all UI actions to invite comment and feedback:
Regular method:
- Zoom out
- Find transport
- Zoom back in to engineers
- Select engineers
- Zoom out and navigate to transport
- Right click transport
- Left click transport
- With shift held, give transport a queued order to transport the units somewhere, after it has picked them up
- Optional - With shift held, give transport queued order to return to base
I have read* that you can give a combined selection of unit(s) and transport(s) a transport command, and that should mean the units are picked up, then transported.
If that were true, the steps would be:
- Select engineers
- Zoom out
- Find transport + add to selection
- Give transport command
(I have actually also created a hotkey to replace steps 2 and 3 in the above so simplify it even further. Note this is different to the transport hotkey v1 I am about tom come on to...)
As you can see, this is much simpler...
The problem is, it doesn't work: I have done multiple tests and I get odd behaviour. Sometimes the transport picks up, then waits a seemingly random time before going off to transport them. Sometimes the transport picks up 4 of the engineers and the other 2 make their own way to the destination on foot.
After some more research**, I installed the "transport hotkey v1" mod, which gives you a hotkey that (a) adds the nearest idle transport to your selection and (b) moves the screen to that transport.
With this mod, the steps are:
- Select engineers
- Press hotkey
- Right click transport
- With shift held, give transport a queued order to transport the units somewhere
This seems to work most of the time, although it fails with odd behaviour maybe 1 in 5 times, so that's no good either.
Iszh mentions a bug in **, but I don't know if that's the same bug as the odd behaviour I am seeing above...
Anyway, how do you all manage your transports? Do you have any slick procedures that do not require loads of operations?
* viewtopic.php?f=41&t=11843&hilit=transport+hotkey
** /viewtopic. ... 8&start=10