Hello, I never play water maps usually but dunno this year I'm a bit interested in it, and I don't know much about it. So I would like to know all the secrets of navy (how do you play it, tips...and so on) . Or is there any uptodate video about navy ?
What I know :
>>t1 phase :
tips :
t1 sera arty don't win at all against frigates
aurora are -???- against frigates
1 sub can win against infinite frigates
t1 aeon/sera/cyb/uef : no clue if there is anything to know.
t1 aeon frig has no aa and has instead anti torpedo
strategy :
spam frigates (and if needed a few subs, depends on their mix...)
>>t2 phase :
tips :
have some factories spamming frigates, they will be used as meatshields to protect your destroyers
also have at least 1 cruiser (depends the air situation...) to protecc from torpedo bombers.
you can wipe a t2 navy spam with torpedo bomber t2 if there is no cruiser or not enough (focus cruiser >> then destroyers)
if you are against cybran, your only counter is by spamming t1 scout to get vision of his navy (or killing his cloak boats with torpedo bomber)
subs t2? I don't know
assist with some engies your t2 navy factory
uef has shield boat, cybran has cloak boats compared to other factions
I saw some weird things with Amphibious/hover t2 tank too... I don't know much about that
strategy :
mainly spam destroyers for your mix
classic mix (random numbers I've no clue) : 1 cruiser - 5/6 destroyers - 1 cloak/shield boat - 20 frigates
You can dance with your boats to dodge shots too from the destroyers
Meatshield with your frigates in front of your destroyers
>>t3 phase :
tips :
I guess same as t2, you spam only battleships... I don't know
strategy :
mix ??????
>>t3/t4 :
tips :
You have atlantis for uef and tempest for aeon(more like a support unit I guess)
strategy :
mix ?????
So if you have any tips, or to correct on something or any suggestion go ahead.
Thanks for help
EDIT : forgot to say that's nice to micro your boats to focus one destroyer at a time for example, to kill faster