Quitting SupCom

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Re: Quitting SupCom

Postby DeimosEvotec » 11 Nov 2015, 20:09

Exotic_Retard wrote:to make a featured mod all you need to do is show that your can get some players playing it, then ask sheeo to add it to the list.
you do this by hosting a 3599 mod and seeing how many poeple join, and how many games you can play with it, then saving those figures for later.

you actually live on a different planet, because that's how it works around here these days, its not like anyone's stopping you from playing any balance mod you want, its just that no one chooses to play 3599 here.

last time i checked your mod was uploaded 1.5 years ago and was in total played less than equilibrium (new version resets the counter)
judging by that i would say that not many people are interested in your balance.
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Re: Quitting SupCom

Postby Morax » 11 Nov 2015, 21:15

Can some moderator just close this thread lol
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Re: Quitting SupCom

Postby Flynn » 31 Dec 2016, 21:41

Holy... :lol:

Just to elaborate I think some people misunderstood what I was saying. When you watch every pro replay, listen and try to implement every pro tip, but still can't get above average it is frustrating.

I think a lot of better players don't take into account APM limits of the lower rated players. It's all good saying "you need to scout more often and act on what you see" but in my games I hardly ever have more than a second to pause and look at the map because I am frantically trying to click on stuff.

Anyway I don't want to quit SupCom, it's a great game, I was just getting very frustrated. I still do feel like this depending on how I am doing.
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Re: Quitting SupCom

Postby Nepty » 31 Dec 2016, 22:25

Remember, this is a game where people can use UI modifications to help them do things faster... They magically leave that out when telling people to get better.

It's why I could never take this game seriously. In any other RTS all the "Pro's" would be banned and disqualified permanently for cheating. Use nothing to help you play. NOTHING, except your hands.

"Oh, but you can use the mods too." That's not the point.
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Re: Quitting SupCom

Postby TheKoopa » 31 Dec 2016, 23:46

No one cares
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Re: Quitting SupCom

Postby Nepty » 01 Jan 2017, 00:04

Exactly. When comes to just the same 10 people playing, remember no one cares.
Player numbers are falling and falling fast. Noobs will be on and that's it...

An inevitable fate... I don't care.
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Re: Quitting SupCom

Postby TheKoopa » 01 Jan 2017, 00:38

Well I was more referring to

It's why I could never take this game seriously

But UI mods are not really that serious as it's quite obvious who is actually cheating or not
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Re: Quitting SupCom

Postby biass » 01 Jan 2017, 09:45

Why does when everyone see someone "leave" they try to pin the blame on something they don't like?

It's a game dude, people might get bored or want to gym do something productive with their life.
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Re: Quitting SupCom

Postby Nepty » 01 Jan 2017, 11:33

biass wrote:Why does when everyone see someone "leave" they try to pin the blame on something they don't like?

I dunno ask them. It could be all the massive retardation going on with the game. There's a lot to blame it on. Just too much...

It's a game dude, people might get bored or want to gym do something productive with their life.

Like the StarCraft 2 players making $50,000. Very productive in my opinion. That beats going to the gym and trying some lame sh*t that won't amount to anything...

TheKoopa wrote:But UI mods are not really that serious--

Wrong! See that's the problem right there. Do you know how much APM is saved by Auto upgrading mexes? That's an advantage. I don't care if it's just 6.5 milliseconds. A player is doing more faster with modified UI assistance.

Imagine if we had the same car in a race, and your car was 6.5 milliseconds faster than mine. Who would win the race? Exactly.
(Don't use the 'there's many variables to factor in' excuse.) Small things add up quick. "But it's just milliseconds no one will notice". Just 0.00000000001% more speed is an advantage over someone without it.
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Re: Quitting SupCom

Postby biass » 01 Jan 2017, 11:43

h-have you even driven a car before..?
Map thread: https://bit.ly/2PBsa5H

Petricpwnz wrote:biass on his campaign to cleanse and remake every single map of FAF because he is an untolerating reincarnation of mapping hitler
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