by Zoram » 06 Aug 2016, 19:12
I tried it for a few hours and didn't like it:
- the lore is not very compelling. The start of the campaign really left me scratching my head. Supcom really wasn't the gold standard of story telling, but this ... Wtf.
- the units are ugly. Really. The hovering just feels like what it is, a tech shortcut for easier pathfinding and not having to animate moving parts. It could have been made in such a way that hover adds something, like crossing lakes or go over small ravines. But no it just feels like units and world are in two different universes, it doesn't feel like units belong there. You get no sense of epic fight. Just slow blobs of stuff.
- explosions are ugly too. Little bulbs of colours. Could work in a cartoonish universe, here it just feels like they didn't finish the animations.
- for the very few hours I plaid, it seems everything is a corridor, no open plane.
- I don't get the "win by collecting resource points" thing
- they didn't want to have a strategic zoom so that play style would not be icon soup. Fair enough, but they didn't replace it by anything of any worth. The strategic map is a joke.
And anyway at the maximum zoom level, where you'll be at a lot of the time, you already have no clue what you're looking at. No icons, granted, instead a blob of stuff. So yeah, you get all the cons with none of the pros of strategic zoom.
- it's bugged. Maybe I'm unlucky. But I had to try three times upon installing the game to get it to start properly.
First time it staid stuck forever on a loading screen. Second time I was welcome with a "check the forums" or some such, and couldn't click anywhere.
Zooming to the max often results in being stucked in the ground, with nice glitches, for a few seconds.
Anyway. Again didn't play much, but those are my first impressions.
At least I could use it as a benchmark for my new 1070 ...