by rockoe10 » 23 Sep 2014, 02:16
I received my degree in physics. I was in school for two actually (physics AND Secondary Education, that means I would teach highschool physics) but during my last semester, I decided that I did not like the school system at all and how it (we) teach our youth. So I dropped the secondary ed. And got out of dodge with just the one. I've taken tons of classes on the side just for my own enjoyment which include computer Language and networking. But my child hood dream was to become a botanist.
Currently I work in retail and just had my first baby 5 days ago
P.S. I love discussing philosophy and have proven the existence of God through logic and the basic principles of math (variables). *This does not mean I have proven any one religion, or any for that matter, correct.
ZeP: doesn't matter if it's an avatar, a trophy or a collection of dead cats
ZeP: it's the same code