Computer Programming

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Computer Programming

Postby Panchovilla » 13 Sep 2012, 04:45

As the title states, I'm interested in learning how become a computer programmer, and hopefully beyond that. I've been interested in this line of study and work for awhile and was going to go to school for it, but for some reason, I decided to switch majors and went into the food industry instead, mainly because I wanted some knowledge of the business when I went on to work for my family's diner. Now the urge to pursue this field is creeping up and I'd like to learn how to program without having to go back to school (Money is tight for me and I'd still like to work for my dad and such). Anyways, I was wondering if anyone in the programming back round would be willing to teach me the in's and out's of programming whether it be Delphi, C++, C# or whatever is a good starting point for beginners such as myself. I need another hobby besides gaming...and I love computers and networking and the sort. Even Tips and Tricks would be much appreciated. :)
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Re: Computer Programming

Postby Koecher » 13 Sep 2012, 20:21

I'm wondering what you expect right now.
Nobody will type all the stuff you need to know in here.

Use Google, and your brain.

Do you already have any knowledge in Programming?
Also, you should focus one Language "at first". I'd recommend you C++, since its quire often used, powerfull and there many languages base upon it (like Python, which is the Language FAF is made with).

However, if you look for a step-by-step guide, I'd recommend you to take a look at "Video2Brain" (google it).
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Re: Computer Programming

Postby Panchovilla » 14 Sep 2012, 00:14

Koecher wrote:I'm wondering what you expect right now.
Nobody will type all the stuff you need to know in here.

Use Google, and you brain.

Do you already have any knowledge in Programming?
Also, you should focus one Language "at first". I'd recommend you C++, since its quire often used, powerfull and there many languages base upon it (like Python, which is the Language FAF is made with).

However, if you look for a step-by-step guide, I'd recommend you to take a look at "Video2Brain" (google it).

I know what the different languages are, like Python as you stated...C#,C++,Delphi and so on, not so much on the aspects and general application. I know nobody is going to post detailed guides and stuff here, I was merely asking if there was anyone willing to give me a hand or advice. Yes there are programming guides and videos on the Internet, but this being a community of gamer's with a higher knowledge base and what have you, I thought I'd at least ask. No harm in that is there? ;)
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Re: Computer Programming

Postby Vmcsnekke » 14 Sep 2012, 13:05

You have some basic knowledge of programming, maybe you
should start programming. It is a good way to learn
and making something work is fun.

FAF is open source so you might wanna give yourself some
nice and simple programaming tasks related to FAF, this way
you'll please the community also!


Remember: the first learning curve is always hardest and probably
a big challenge, be persistent!

You could start by enhancing the replay window of FAF. The replay
tab shows (amongst other things) this info:

I'm not sure but I guess this is the source: ...

I suggest you extend the shown info with all player names (preferably including their rating).
Maybe also with start time + end time.
You'll at least make one community member happy :D
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Re: Computer Programming

Postby Tee » 14 Sep 2012, 13:44

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Re: Computer Programming

Postby rootbeer23 » 14 Sep 2012, 16:55

while not beginner material, the c++ standard template library is well worth studying.
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Re: Computer Programming

Postby Panchovilla » 14 Sep 2012, 21:42

Thanks for all the responses, and I've heard that C++ is a good base to start on, but I'm currently starting with Delphi, see how that goes and move on from there...Probably Python or C++ being that both require at least a basic understanding of the programming field, granted I've heard that Python is great for beginners too, so I guess we'll see what happens. :)
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Re: Computer Programming

Postby rootbeer23 » 14 Sep 2012, 22:18

Panchovilla wrote:Thanks for all the responses, and I've heard that C++ is a good base to start on, but I'm currently starting with Delphi, see how that goes and move on from there...Probably Python or C++ being that both require at least a basic understanding of the programming field, granted I've heard that Python is great for beginners too, so I guess we'll see what happens. :)

C++ is not the language to learn as a first language (its very complex and detail-ridden).
With python you get automatic heap management (garbage collection) so you do not have to pay attention to object lifetimes, dynamic typing so you do not have to pay too much attention to object types such as integer vs floating point numbers or value ranges of numbers etc, and the syntax is much more expressive. to summarise you have to learn less details to achive the same goal, only it will not execute quite as fast. So for example you would not want to implement a fractal generator in python.
I wouldnt recommend delphi though. for a compiled language C and C++ are the only sane choice. if only because about everybody else uses it. Its a bit like wheter you choose english or japanese as second language. and in the end C/C++ are also better than delphi.
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Re: Computer Programming

Postby Koecher » 15 Sep 2012, 03:01

I dont understand why C/C++ should be bad as first language.
If you use Visual Studio, you will get a useful help as well.

Yes, depends on what you want to do, you have to take care about how to declare variables and was what to declare it (boolean/int/double/...). But however, in simple cases it can be done just at the moment you need it in the code, plus you sooner or later will find yourself in a situation you will have to deal with stuff like that anyway - and if you are used to be lazy (which means, don't explicit declare variables), you perhaps will struggle to learn the "clean way" after that.

I would bet on, that there are tutorials somewhere in the Internet, which teaches you some stuff and give you tasks after this which make you use what you've just learned. Search for something like that. Doing yourself is the best way to learn anything - including programming. Once you are used to the basic stuff, you easily can google for code sequences to solve specific problems and implement it in your own program. At this point, you for sure wont be able to make an OS blind and from the scratch, but already can solve quite a lot of problems/tasks.
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Re: Computer Programming

Postby rootbeer23 » 15 Sep 2012, 03:43

Koecher wrote:I dont understand why C/C++ should be bad as first language.

Mainly the questionable need for optimization and the increased complexity. Use my previous post as reference.

Koecher wrote:I would bet on, that there are tutorials somewhere in the Internet, which teaches you some stuff and give you tasks after this which make you use what you've just learned. Search for something like that. Doing yourself is the best way to learn anything - including programming. Once you are used to the basic stuff, you easily can google for code sequences to solve specific problems and implement it in your own program. At this point, you for sure wont be able to make an OS blind and from the scratch, but already can solve quite a lot of problems/tasks.

Or do it the old fashioned way: buy a book.
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