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Koecher wrote:I'm wondering what you expect right now.
Nobody will type all the stuff you need to know in here.
Use Google, and you brain.
Do you already have any knowledge in Programming?
Also, you should focus one Language "at first". I'd recommend you C++, since its quire often used, powerfull and there many languages base upon it (like Python, which is the Language FAF is made with).
However, if you look for a step-by-step guide, I'd recommend you to take a look at "Video2Brain" (google it).
Panchovilla wrote:Thanks for all the responses, and I've heard that C++ is a good base to start on, but I'm currently starting with Delphi, see how that goes and move on from there...Probably Python or C++ being that both require at least a basic understanding of the programming field, granted I've heard that Python is great for beginners too, so I guess we'll see what happens.
Koecher wrote:I dont understand why C/C++ should be bad as first language.
Koecher wrote:I would bet on, that there are tutorials somewhere in the Internet, which teaches you some stuff and give you tasks after this which make you use what you've just learned. Search for something like that. Doing yourself is the best way to learn anything - including programming. Once you are used to the basic stuff, you easily can google for code sequences to solve specific problems and implement it in your own program. At this point, you for sure wont be able to make an OS blind and from the scratch, but already can solve quite a lot of problems/tasks.
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