FAF 2 - the sequel of your dreams

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Re: FAF 2 - the sequel of your dreams

Postby tatsu » 23 Sep 2016, 15:10

AdmiralZeech wrote:Hah. Let's say I suddenly inherited $50 billion USD from a dead oil magnate grandfather or something. With part of the money, I decide to buy the all the rights and source code to everything SupCom 1 and FAF related. I then hire a crack team of programmers to work on the project.

Of course, all the obvious tech and infrastructure stuff will be fixed. 64bit, cross platform, DX12 / Vulcan, online functionality etc etc. More importantly, let's talk about balance and gameplay.

- I've made the executive decision, no new factions. No new units "just for fun", there has to be a balance purpose.
- For some reason, I've appointed you, YES YOU, as the head of gameplay and balance. You have virtually unlimited budget (well, a couple billion anyways).


What would you choose to do?
Do you think existing FAF is almost perfect, and you'll just tweak some stuff, fix some problems?
Or would you scrap everything and start it all from scratch?
Or just officially implement Equilibrium mod? :P

i like the way you think
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Re: FAF 2 - the sequel of your dreams

Postby rtc » 20 Jan 2017, 00:52

i think when it comes to game design and balance, FA(F) is very close to perfection already. certainly the best RTS that currently exists.
i would leave it exactly as it is, and only focus on technical improvements:
-remake the game in a new multi-threaded engine so it can finally make proper use of multi core systems.
-improve unit pathfinding so units won't get stuck, block or bump into each other anymore.
-improve unit targeting so they don't keep trying to shoot something when their line of fire is blocked, make them prioritize targets that they can actually hit over targets that are behind terrain or other obstacles.
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Re: FAF 2 - the sequel of your dreams

Postby angus000 » 20 Jan 2017, 01:14

rtc wrote:when it comes to game design and balance, [...] i would leave it exactly as it is

and this
rtc wrote:-improve unit pathfinding so units won't get stuck, block or bump into each other anymore.

are mutually exclusive, though.
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Re: FAF 2 - the sequel of your dreams

Postby Ze Dogfather » 20 Jan 2017, 07:49

Put divisions back and fix the ladder rating already, I'll spend all the money just to get it out of the way.

...well maybe I'd do something about advertising, and a little more love for the seraphim's t4 units.
A m a z e
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