Hello, I'm Supreme Commander Nepty Sapphire. The terrorist known as the Cybran nation are doing gorilla tactics on our forces. Their stealth technology is hiding thier forces and bases throughout the galaxy. We must hunt down this scum and annihilate them. They are our greatest enemy. The Cybrans are pure evil. The design of their units/structures are undeniably evil and covered in spikes. They even use the color red! This is pure evidence of their evilness. THE COLOR RED...
Don't believe their cries for freedom. It's all lies so our civilian population can feel sorry for them. Attack these Cybran hostiles without mercy. (Ha, UEF doesn't have mercies. We're not Aeon.) Remember our UEF Tech one tanks are incredibly crappy, slow, and expensive when compared to Cybran's Mantis bots. Don't engage Cybran's forces directly at tech one unless you have the numbers. Most likely you won't win. Cybran's build capability is significantly better than ours. I strongly recommend defense tactics, use of your Armored Command Unit, and upgrading to tech 2.

Also commanders, the Cybrans have a tech one gunship known as the Jester. It's a real pain in the backside. Keep a good air force around to deal with this annoyance. If Cybran loses the ground war, they will focus on air and attempt to assassinate you.
As it's already known, the UEF tech three forces are the strongest in the galaxy! We have ravagers that rapidly fire plasma rounds the size of school buses. We also have the ultimate naval forces. Our state-of-the-art Neptune class battlecruiser can smash just about all of the Cybran inferior navy.
Feel the power of the UEF! We are the good guys. Commanders make us proud, crush Cybran, and any dumb son of a jerk that gets in our way. UEF! UEF! UEF! UEF!